YouTube Favs

I spend FAR too much time watching tutorials and other skincare videos on YouTube for sure! So... I'm listing my favorites here so you don't have to weed through a mess of them you can watch the best! Many will probably be from the same people because I subscribe to them, but I'll try to get a variety of different looks and techniques during my "youtubing". I will comment on each video I post I hope you like them!

These are tutorials on makeup from daily wear, date night and the dramatic, but wearable makeup not super dramatic theater makeup. (You will find those links lower on this page in Makeup Artistry)

BAD GIRL Party Look by: tortolita07
Palette: Green & Purple
My comments: I wear A LOT of purples, but I shy away from green. When I do wear green I tend to pair it with gold, peach, pink, brown and copper colors, so I was really excited to see this tutorial. I love the pairing she did and the colors not only compliment each other well, but her coloring also. 

Skin Care:
Random skin care tutorials I find, or product reviews I think are interesting. 

General tips & tricks:
Threading, eyelash curling techniques, etc... Things that are more miscellaneous.

Makeup Artistry:
Runway, theater, costume, anima and more. I love art, and makeup, and these wilder looks are fabulous. These aren't your daily wear, but they are fabulous!

Makeup Humor:
Just some funny things I've found in my youtubing!

All Hair:
I'm terrible at hair, so I use tutorials a lot for hair. For me to do it, it must be pretty easy and not too time consuming!

4 Minute "Harajuku Style" Hair by: Dakotakoti
I tried a "modified" version of this the other day. I'm a little too old for the full version of this, but it's so cute. I took and put my hair in a half pony, and left the bottom and back alone. I made braids like shown in the video, but pinned them nearer to the back of the top of my head. Worked well for a fun, but a little more appropriate for a person of my age ;)

Ribbon Head Band By: Dakotakoti

I love this one, I have done my hair many times like this. It's a nice way to wear your hair down but have it a little more contained than just down. 

If you have a  YouTube  profile, or a favorite tutorial that you would like me to review I would be happy to do so, however I won't guarantee I will post it here. I will not ever post a video to make fun of the maker, or mock what they are doing.

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